Herbal Teas

Herbal Teas

Himalayan Herbal/Orthodox Tea Nepal is truly known as a Himalayas country the land of Mount Everest, is known the world over for its natural beauty. Besides that now Nepal is going to be known as the best place for producing Herbal/Orthodox/Organic tea, due to having very favorable conditions for growing tea. As most of the land located in highest range it has become so favorable to produce high quality of tea. We most say it’s the god given place to produce tea with variety of great taste. So besides others now Nepal has got its new identity as a producer of healthy and high quality of Herbal/ Orthodox/Organic tea.

Some of the Benefits of Herbal/ Orthodox/Organic tea.

  • Prevents cancers
  • Controls food poisons
  • Controls excessive fat
  • Maintain immune system
  • Lowers blood cholesterols
  • Balance blood pressures
  • revents skin dieses.